the Bristol model of lahars on evolving topography.


Essential maintenance and updates to the LaharFlow server will take place in early 2025.

During this time the LaharFlow web interface there may be periods when the interface in not accessible.

Where possible, we will place a notification here of breaks in service, but there may be times when access is lost with no notice.It is recommended to download data.

Apologies for the breaks in service during this period.

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LaharFlow is a tool for modelling the dynamics of lahars. The mathematical model is based on the shallow water equations and includes a description of bulking-up through the entrainment of solids eroded from the bed, deposition of the solid phase, and evolution of the topography. Read more....

For information about the LaharFlow web interface, see the quick start guide.


If you have any questions about the model or the web interface, please contact

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University of BristolSTREVA